SYNOPSIS: “Marcelo Wytrykusz, a Falklands War veteran, will repair a small boat to return to the Falkland Islands without a passport and plant the Argentine flag forty years later. During the organization of the journey, ties with his family and memories of the past emerge. How long does the war last in a person’s mind, and how does it affect those around them?”

YEAR: 2022

DURATION: 74 min.

DIRECTOR: Juan Manuel Bugarin

PRODUCER: Marcelo Scoccia

CAST: Marcelo Wytrykusz, Danilo Wytrykusz, Agustin Wytrykusz, Yazmin Wytrykusz, Mirta Francisco

AWARDS: IDFA 2022 – Competencia Internacional , Majordocs 2023 – Competencia Oficial, FIDBA 2023 – Competencia Oficial

