Que sea ley

Synopsis: In Latin America, 300 million pregnant people do not have the right to interrupt their pregnancy, they must do so clandestinely and in this attempt at least one woman dies every day. “Let it be law” tells of the fight for legal abortion in Argentina, where a thousand women abort a day. During 2018, when the Bill for the Campaign to have Legal, Safe and Free Abortion was presented for the seventh time, an unprecedented debate was generated that divided and crossed the entire society without distinguishing social classes or party affiliations. The film begins with the half-sanction of the Chamber of Deputies; continues through the story of the protagonists on a journey of 4000 kilometers by car, looking for hundreds of testimonies and voices of women who have this fight in common, and ends with the rejection of the Senate, although instead of an end it is a new beginning. Those who call themselves “pro-life” have won a battle, but Argentine women will not give up. Their unwavering determination and their struggle, full of life, show us that rights are won on the street.

Director: Juan Solanas

Country: Argentina

Year: 2019

Genre: Documentary film

Duration: 85 minutes

